Our mission
The MARE Foundation was established in 2016. Our mission is to protect marine ecosystems by introducing social and political changes.
We fight for the future in which the society has environmental awareness and lives in harmony with the seas and oceans.
For the future in which the seas and oceans are vibrant with life and are not constantly exposed to negative effects of human activities.
Our future and the future of next generations depends on the future of seas and oceans, which account for 70% of our planet.
The MARE Foundation is the only non-governmental organisation in Poland focused on the protection of the Baltic ecosystem.
99.7% of the territory of Poland lies in the catchment area of the Baltic Sea. This means that almost all of us, often without realising it, have an impact on the state of the Baltic. Despite many media campaigns and projects, the ecological status of the Baltic Sea is still unsatisfactory. This has been confirmed by the results of the Preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the Polish area of the Baltic Sea, conducted for the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. These results clearly indicate the need for further intensive actions aimed at achieving the Good Environment Status (GES).
We truly believe that the activities undertaken by the MARE Foundation will contribute to achieving this goal.
In the near future the MARE Foundation plans to engage in projects that extend beyond the Baltic. We believe that solutions fit for the Baltic can contribute to a more effective protection of valuable species and marine areas in other parts of our planet. Therefore, one of the main goals of the Foundation is to promote these solutions and assistance in their implementation in other regions. More information on the goals of the Foundation can be found in its Statute.